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CSV Error Message List
Hector Delgado avatar
Written by Hector Delgado
Updated over a week ago

Our system needs specific values to process your CSV document. Please see the chart below for the list of error messages and what they mean if you come across any errors. After fixing your CSV file, please upload it again.

Please see this article to see what information is required to process your orders. Click here to go back to our CSV intro article.



Error message

Order name

No value specified

Missing Order name

Order name

Already exists

Order already imported

Shipping address line #1

No value specified

Missing Shipping address 1

Shipping city

No value specified

Missing Shipping City

Shipping state

No value specified

Missing Shipping state

Shipping country code

No value specified

Missing Country code

Shipping zip

No value specified

Missing Shipping zip

First name

No value specified

Missing Customer first name

Last name

No value specified

Missing Customer last name

Customer email

Incorrect format

Incorrect Customer email

Item quantity

No value specified

Missing Item quantity

Item quantity

Incorrect format (e.g. value not a positive integer)

Incorrect Item quantity


No value was specified or it refers to a non-existent product

'<product>' is not a valid product

Product color

No value specified

Missing color

Product color

The color specified, but the product is missing

Missing product

Product color

Color not available for this product

'<color>' is not a valid color for <product>

Product size

Value not specified

Missing size

Product size

Value specified but the product does not exist

Missing product

Product size

The product’s size chart does not include this size

'<size>' is not a valid size for <product>

Product name

Value not specified

Missing name

Product name

Length of name exceeds 120 characters

Reached maximum length size for name: 120

Front artwork name

No front or back artwork was specified

At least one artwork is required

Front artwork name

Non-existent product was specified

Incorrect Front artwork

Front artwork name

Artwork name is not in the list of seller’s artworks

Make sure artwork exists in your Design Gallery

Front artwork position

The position is not one of

Incorrect Front artwork position

Front artwork width

The value specified is not a positive number

Incorrect Back artwork width
NOTE: Please notice the error Back which should instead read Front

Front artwork vertical offset

Value specified is not a number

Incorrect Front artwork vertical offset

Front artwork horizontal offset

Value is not one of 'Mugs', 'Posters', 'Cases'

The product does not support horizontal offset

Front artwork horizontal offset

Value is not a number

Incorrect Front artwork horizontal offset

Back artwork name

No front or back artwork specified

At least one artwork is required

Back artwork name

The product name specified does not exist

Incorrect Back artwork

Back artwork name

Product not one of 'Mugs', 'Posters', 'Cases', 'Hats'

The product does not support the backside

Back artwork name

artwork not found in seller’s design gallery

Make sure artwork exists in your Design Gallery

Back artwork position

The position is not one of

Incorrect Back artwork position

Back artwork width

The value specified is not a positive number

Incorrect Back artwork width

Back artwork vertical offset

The value specified is not a number

Incorrect Back artwork vertical offset

Back artwork horizontal offset

The value not one of 'Mugs', 'Posters', 'Cases'

The product does not support horizontal offset

Back artwork horizontal offset

The value is not a number

Incorrect Back artwork horizontal offset

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